Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease which is caused by damage to the covers of the nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. This makes the nervous system weak in communicating with other organs of the body. The symptoms of MS are blindness in one eye, double vision, muscle weakness, trouble with sensation or coordination. Almost any neurological symptom can occur in patients of Multiple Sclerosis.
Genetics and environmental factors such as viral infection are known to cause Multiple Sclerosis. These factors can destroy the immune system therby triggering Multiple Sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis is diagnosed on clinical examination by a neurologist with the help of some imaging tests and some pathological tests. It can be difficult to confirm it as MS as the symptoms and the radiological findings are similar in many other neurological conditions. In cases where more than one episode has occurred then clinical findings are sufficient to establish it as Multiple Sclerosis.
There is no known cure for Multiple Sclerosis and most of the medications used in allopathy have severe sideffects. Many patients benefit by using alternative therapies like Vitamin D, Accupuncture, dietary supplementation, Yoga, relaxation and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
The cost of treating Multiple Sclerosis would depend on the line of treatment chosen. Since Allopathy does not have a definitive cure for the disease, patients opt for alternative therapies. The outcomes of these therapies are not documented so it all depends on the genetic makeup of the patient and their luck. The cost of these therapies vary widely. While Accupuncture can cost you INR 2000 per session, Hyberbaric Oxygen Therapy may cost INR 15000. Many of the other therapies like Yoga, Relaxation Techniques hardly cost any money. India being the originator of Yoga there are many free classes which are always going at some place or the other.
Our hospitals are located in the northern part of India in and around New Delhi. We bring to you some of the finest hospitals in India which specialize in the field of Neurology and Neurosurgery. Fortis Hospital, Paras Hospital, Artemis Hospital, Max Hospital and Medanta Medicity are all located in the city of Gurgaon which is just 20 minutes drive from the New Delhi airport. Hospital like BLK, Max and Apollo are located in the city of New Delhi which is about 40 minutes drive from the airport. Gurgaon is considered as the Mecca of Indian Healthcare as you can find the best doctors and hospitals all within a distance of 4-5 kms from each other.
MRI is the backbone of any good Neurological hospital. We have the latest 3 Tesla MRI Scanner for providing the best in class diangostic results. Other diagnostic tools at our disposal include CT Scan, PET CT Scan, Video EEG, EMG, NCV, Sleep Study, Ultrasound, Colour Doppler, Mammography, DEXA Scan, Digital X-Ray and Pathology Lab. We have state of art Intensive Care Units to take care of the most sick patients. The hospitals have fully modular operation theatres equipped with high precision microscopes to carry out the most complex of the brain surgeries with excellent outcomes.
Our team of neurologists include some of the finest names in the world of Neurology like Dr Praveen Gupta, Dr Sumit Singh, Dr Vikas Sharma, Dr Namit Gupta, Dr J.D.Mukherji, Dr Kapil Aggarwal, Dr Rakesh Jain, Dr Sunil Singla, Dr Rajnish Kumar, Dr Rajiv Anand, Dr Mayank Chawla and Dr Satish Jain. While Dr Praveen Gupta is considered as an authority on stroke patients, Dr Sumit Singh has vast experience in the management of all kinds of Headaches and Migraine. Dr Namit Gupta is considered an authority when it comes to diseases like Epilepsy and Parkinsons.
This patient in India was suffering from Diabetic Neuropathy but could not consult a Neurologist before 6 months so the patient came to India and recovered fully in just 15 days. Watch the video above to know the full story.
In this video you would see the patients from several countries sharing their experiences about treatment in Indian Hospitals for all kinds of conditions. Watch the video to know what to expect when you come to India.
This is the story of a Bangldeshi Patient who was shot in the neck in line of duty and got complete quadriplegia due to the injury. Watch the video to see the amazing recovery due to the treatment provided in India.